Friday, September 12, 2008

You say nesting...we say hiving

We take exception to the term nesting. As defined, nesting refers to a container or shelter made by two parent birds out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold their eggs and young. This definition leaves no place for other members of the group who contribute to the building of the shelter. Our babie's sweet Auntie Kate has spent countless nights painting a spectacular mural on the wall of the nursery and we will not allow this term to render her unrecognized. Therefore, we have created a new term which we would like to call 'hiving.' This term recognizes the effort of the many bees that work towards a common good - that of the queen. Except in this case, it may be a prince or princess. We salute you Auntie Kate and are proud to have you as a member of our swarm. You are sweet as honey!

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